

South Hill Park

RG12 7PA

"Alice in Wonderland" Archive

Auditions for Alice in Wonderland 2020

Auditions for Alice in Wonderland 2020

The audition date has been announced for South Hill Park's 2020 Easter title ‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’ Written by Mark Hooper & Dean Penn with Music by Tim Cumper. Following on from the success of ‘‘Seussical the...

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Alice in Wonderland Weather Policy

Alice in Wonderland Weather Policy

The policy for Alice in Wonderland remains the same as all our previous outdoor productions in that ‘the show will go on’ in the event of bad weather.

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Alice in Wonderland Cast Announced!

Alice in Wonderland Cast Announced!

We are very happy to announce the cast for Alice in Wonderland, our promenade summer show, celebrating the 150th anniversary of this classic story!       Alice 1: Lauren Hutchings Alice 2: Rea Bailey...

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Alice in Wonderland Weather Policy

New Season Announcement

Our 2015 summer season has been announced and we're very excited about sharing it with you! Click here to download the press release on what's on offer through May - August.

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