Visiting South Hill Park
To help you make the most of your visit to South Hill Park, and to ensure you have a pleasant experience, we’ve gathered together some useful information that should answer many of the questions you might have – from directions and booking policies, to disability access and suggested local places to stay.
Please use the section links below to find out more about visiting South Hill Park and we hope you enjoy your visit!
Give us your feedback…
Please scan, or click, the QR code to give us feedback on your visit here. Whether you have seen a show, viewed an exhibition, finished a course or hired a room, let us know about your experience at South Hill Park.
We want to ensure we always work in a supportive and professional manner. To help us continue to enrich lives through the creative arts, we greatly value your comments. Thank you for your time.
The Beast of South Hill Park Trail
Drop in and take part in this fun, self-led family trail. Can you help the brave explorer find the mischief-making beast of South Hill Park? Join in with a quest around Bracknell’s historic mansion, inspired by the children’s book by local author Jane Howard.
To download the Family Activity Pack for the trail, please click here.
See Inside
Please see our building map below to find out where everything is inside the Mansion and Wilde Theatre.
This floor plan should help to guide you around our many studio spaces, rooms, art galleries and two theatres.
Move Around
- Click on the arrows
- Or use the up and down arrow keys
Rotate The Camera
- Click and drag with your mouse,
- Use the wheel in the top left corner
- Or use the left and right arrow keys