Christmas and New Year Opening Times 2022/23 Over the holiday season, our opening and closing times will be a bit different to usual. Please look at the timings below to see what parts of the Arts Centre are open, and...
"christmas" Archive
STAR 1000 – South Hill Park’s Christmas Wish
South Hill Park would like to share a huge thank you to everyone who has generously donated to our recent major fundraising campaign, including the first 100 monthly donors. The campaign was launched in June due to the...
Festive Season Opening Hours
During the Christmas period, the opening times at South Hill Park will vary on some days. Please see below for the days with a change to normal opening times.
Junior Auditions Open for 2018 Pantomime
We would love to see you at the auditions for our 2018 pantomime Dick Whittington and his Cat. After the success of last year’s Beauty and the Beast, we are delighted to welcome back the creative team. We are looking for performers with strong acting, singing and dance ability from aged 7-18 years.
Rave Reviews for Beauty and the Beast
The mince pies have all been eaten, the decorations are coming down and the chill of frost is still in the air... January is well and truly upon us, and with it we have waved goodbye to South Hill Park's...
South Hill Park: #PantoDay 2017
South Hill Park will be taking part in #PantoDay 2017 as we celebrate the cast, crew and creatives around Beauty and the Beast: the venue’s record-breaking pantomime.
Beauty and the Beast Appearances in Bracknell
The cast of Beauty and the Beast will be out and about in Bracknell. Our Good Fairie will be at the Bracknell Town Council office on Sat 9 Dec from 10-11.30am. The Bad Fairie Gobby and ladies’ man Norbere will be at The Lexicon on Sat 16 Dec from 10.30-11.30am.
Belle or the Beast? South Hill Park’s Children’s Art Competition
In the run-up to the holiday season, South Hill Park has launched an exciting children’s art competition. Open to children from ages 5 – 11yrs, the competition challenges local children to make, paint and decorate their best Magic Mirror or Beastly Beast.
Beauty and the Beast: Cast Announcement
South Hill Park is delighted to announce that the part of the titular beast in this year’s panto production of Beaut and the Beast will be played by Matthew Houston!
Belle of the Ball Brad Clapson Returns to South Hill Park Panto
Brad Clapson returns to the South Hill Park panto this year as the Good Fairy.