

South Hill Park

RG12 7PA

"cast" Archive

Cast Announced for Production this Autumn

Cast Announced for Production this Autumn

Is it July already? That means that we're looking forward to our autumn production which celebrates the centenary of the end of the First World War. Our primary cast has been chosen, and they will be bringing...

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Robin Hood Cast Appearances

Robin Hood Cast Appearances

Join the cast of Robin Hood – A Musical Celebration this July as they make an appearance at Birch Hill Primary School’s School Fete and Fenwick, Bracknell.

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Beauty and the Beast Appearances in Bracknell

Beauty and the Beast Appearances in Bracknell

The cast of Beauty and the Beast will be out and about in Bracknell. Our Good Fairie will be at the Bracknell Town Council office on Sat 9 Dec from 10-11.30am. The Bad Fairie Gobby and ladies’ man Norbere will be at The Lexicon on Sat 16 Dec from 10.30-11.30am.

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