

South Hill Park

RG12 7PA

The Council wants to hear YOUR views

March 15, 2016


There is an item up for consultation on Bracknell Forest Council’s website which directly affects South Hill Park Arts Centre, and the council wants YOUR views.

BFC are proposing to cut SHP’s grant by £44k in 16.17 (10%). This is after SHP’s remarkable fight back from significant cuts in 2012.

The consequences of further cuts are that our services to local societies and young people would be very badly hit.

You can make your views on the SHP grant cut known up until 5th April on BFC’s website – here is the link:

When you click on the link above you will be able to make your views known in the survey which comes up. The survey shows the £44k cut in 2016/17 under the heading: ‘Additional Savings Proposals as a Consequence of the Settlement’.

Additionally, you should be aware of the following quote from the executive report 23rd February which is one of 5 accompanying attachments, also on the BFC website:

7.4 The proposed reduction in grant to South Hill Park will leave £394,281 available in 2016/17… in addition the Transformation Board will undertake a finance driven review of arts provision in the Borough including the role that South Hill Park plays in this. This review will be given priority with a target date of the end of June for its conclusion. The Transformation board will also be prioritising a finance led strategic review of the library service. Although no specific proposals have been developed there is an expectation and a need for both reviews to identify ways to provide the respective services at significantly less cost.

Obviously this could have very serious consequences for South Hill Park Arts Centre. I am sure that your local councillor would love to hear what SHP means to you and what you think should be done to protect it in the future.

You can find information on your local councillor and how to write to them here:

Thank you,
Ron McAllister
CEO of South Hill Park Arts Centre