

South Hill Park

RG12 7PA

Extra places added for kids panto auditions

May 26, 2015

Due to overwhelming demand we have now added 15 extra places to the auditions for the children’s chorus of our panto Sleeping Beauty on Sunday May 31.

There are three slots to choose from: 11am, 2pm and 4pm.

We would love to see you come and audition for our 2015 Christmas show which, this year, is the enchanting SLEEPING BEAUTY! We will be welcoming back Julian Hirst as The Good Fairy AND Director this year, as well as Ann Ogden as the Choreographer and Tim Cumper as the Musical Director.

We are looking for flexible young performers who will play toys, courtiers, soldiers, ugly bugs (baddies) and magical elves in this exciting new pantomime.

We need to put together three teams of 10 versatile young people making a total of up to 30. Wow, that’s a lot! Specifically, we are looking for five performers with strong acting skills who can also sing and dance, these range from young (7+yrs) to mid teenage (14-15yrs), and five older dancers (14yrs-18yrs) to play among other things) the Wicked Godmother’s dancers. We are particularly looking for boys.

You can find more information here and download an application form, or call the Box Office on 01344 484123 to book your space.