Star of EastEnders and with lots of exciting projects on the way, Lin Blakley remembers the start of her career at South Hill Park Arts Centre.
When did you start your career with South Hill Park?
I started with the community company in the late 80’s. Then I worked as an actress and director in many productions.
What did you like about South Hill Park?
As soon as I walked into South Hill Park I fell in love. Not just the buzz but the lovely people there. I’ve met so many friends, who are still my friends today. Beautiful food, too!
What do you like about working in theatre?
Working in theatre is my first love really. And very important. And as an actress that is the base you need, to help you through anything. You have to be disciplined! Although you don’t get rehearsal time and the pace is so fast. I loved working on EastEnders and it has been a huge learning curve for me, working with a wonderful cast, crew and supporting cast. Again you have to be disciplined as you work so much on your scenes at home or in your dressing room.
What was your favourite moment on EastEnders?
Oh gosh, there have been so many favourite moments. But I think the very first scene I did with Roger Sloman (Les) will be the most memorable.
What have you got in the pipeline?
Although I’ve been popping back to EastEnders. I’ve done two pilots recently: one a comedy for sky named Once Loved and the second a children’s TV film based on the books by Lauren St. John The Laura Marlin Mysteries. I hope they get commissioned as they are both wonderful projects. And I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some theatre soon.
Should we be expecting a visit, soon?
I hope I get back to South Hill Park soon! I am really hoping that we will get the rights to Dinner Ladies by Victoria Wood, as I would so love to direct that. I would really love to direct a musical… Perhaps one day! Carousel, maybe?
N.B: Some text has been edited for clarity.