The cast of South Hill Park’s upcoming production, Private Peaceful (Wed 10 – Sun 14 Oct), reflect on their characters, the First World War and bringing history to life.
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Cast Announced for Production this Autumn
Is it July already? That means that we're looking forward to our autumn production which celebrates the centenary of the end of the First World War. Our primary cast has been chosen, and they will be bringing...
Robin Hood Cast Appearances
Join the cast of Robin Hood – A Musical Celebration this July as they make an appearance at Birch Hill Primary School’s School Fete and Fenwick, Bracknell.
Autumn Show Auditions at South Hill Park
Audition to be part of history on Wed 6 – Thu 7 June. Private Peaceful relives the life of Private Tommo Peaceful, a young soldier, looking back at his upbringing in rural Devon. Based on the award-winning novel by Michael Morpurgo (Warhorse), staged to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War.
Auditions Open for Summer Show
This summer, South Hill Park will present David Wood’s Robin Hood: A Musical Celebration. This exciting ensemble piece will be performed in the round with a large cast of all ages who will play many roles. Auditions take place Sat 24 March.
Junior Auditions Open for 2018 Pantomime
We would love to see you at the auditions for our 2018 pantomime Dick Whittington and his Cat. After the success of last year’s Beauty and the Beast, we are delighted to welcome back the creative team. We are looking for performers with strong acting, singing and dance ability from aged 7-18 years.
Roaring Reviews of Easter Production
The last curtain went down on South Hill Park’s Easter production to thunderous applause from audience members and critics alike. Have a read of some of the roaring reviews we’ve received here.