So another New Year is upon us and once again our thoughts turn to how we can improve our lives. You can’t walk to the end of the road without dodging at least a dozen red-faced joggers, nerves fray as good intentioned folk try to break a bad habit and diet becomes the buzz-word of the month.
But soon January becomes February, good intentions waver in the face of temptation and we settle back into life as we knew it before the party poppers went off.
Here at South Hill Park in Bracknell we’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. Our mission this 2016 is to help you Get Inspired!
We have a host of courses and workshops from printmaking and pottery, to drama and dance, and everything in between. And we reckon these are just the bite-sized inspiration you need to make a change this New Year.
Ever marvelled over photographs of stunning patterns seemingly drawn with light? We’ll teach you how to take them in one of our many Digital Media workshops. Harbouring a secret desire to learn to dance? We have just the course, whether it’s contemporary, ballet, tap or even Bollywood! Need some chill out time? Why not give Thai Chi, Yoga or Pilates a try? Maybe there’s a budding performer in you just waiting to get out? Learn how to sing, play an instrument or act.
So whether you want to cautiously commit to a one-day workshop, or are feeling brave enough to commit to a 10-week course, we’re confident you’ll find something to Get You Inspired at South Hill Park.